Where IZ Renders Me Speechless

Me: What’s that box?

IZ: Your birthday present. The question is, when should I let you open it.

Me: Now now now!

IZ: Really? I just don’t want you to be disappointed when your birthday comes and there’s nothing else.

Me: I won’t be, I promise. Besides, I know what’s in it.

IZ: How do you know?

Me: I just do.

Me: I’ll prove it. I’ll write what I think it is on a piece of paper. On this napkin, see. And you can look at it after I open the box.

IZ: You’re jumping around like a little kid. Ok. Open the box.


I Married a Rockstar

Photo Caption: This post is going naked. You can imagine whatever image you’d like and insert it in this spot, m’kay?

What I’ve Learned:

Despite my facebook declarations to save my melt-down for New Year’s Day, I met my end yesterday. Stood in the hallway in front of the kitchen door and just wept.

What’s worse, (yes worse than missing deadlines by months) I melted-down in front of the very nice guy who is plastering our walls. Two days after I stood in the very same spot and told this same plaster artist, “I don’t know how I feel about the plaster. I can’t think about that right now, because IZ is in the ER and they think he’s had a heart-attack.”

Yeah, it’s been that kind of a week.

Let me put you out of my misery. IZ is fine. Well, he’s not, but he’s not having a heart-attack or a stroke or anything dire. He’s just under the immense pressure of trying to finish our house and work full time and parent and hold the hand of his wife who cannot keep her “stuff” together.

For that, I’m terribly sorry.

I kept my “stuff” together in the ER. There’s that. I kept looking at this man I love, this PARTNER (because we don’t define our relationship in terms of husband and wife. We’re best friends, lovers, PARTNERS.) and I kept thinking “I don’t do so well with this role reversal stuff.” I’m usually on the gurney, he’s usually holding MY hand. And well, he’s really amazing at that. How does he keep so calm? How does he crack jokes and not look worried and not sit down in a puddle of his own snot and tears and lose it?

He will tell you he’s Danish and it’s in their natures to be stoic and solid and perfectly calm.

I will tell you he’s a rockstar.

A rockstar who is stressed out.

So, yesterday comes along (see this page, last post for details) and I faced my end. You know, the proverbial straw that breaks the camel’s back? That straw came in the form of an email break-up note and turned on the tear spigot.

I cried. I stood in the hallway and IZ, the rockstar that his is, both held me and cracked jokes to the poor plaster guy watching me come undone, about how his wife didn’t weep a tear in the ER, but is crying over the tiler. He’s keeping it all together, because he is IZ.

Because the love of my life is Danish. And he’s eating his stress. And he’s holding my hand. And he’s making everything OK for everyone.

And I love him for all that and so much more.

Stealing Apples


The man couldn’t resist filching an apple from an abandoned heirloom tree out in the boondocks of Washington. I guess it’s really wrong that I found his thievery kinda sexy, right?