Me: What’s that box?

IZ: Your birthday present. The question is, when should I let you open it.

Me: Now now now!

IZ: Really? I just don’t want you to be disappointed when your birthday comes and there’s nothing else.

Me: I won’t be, I promise. Besides, I know what’s in it.

IZ: How do you know?

Me: I just do.

Me: I’ll prove it. I’ll write what I think it is on a piece of paper. On this napkin, see. And you can look at it after I open the box.

IZ: You’re jumping around like a little kid. Ok. Open the box.

IZ: How did you know?

Me: I told you, I just did. I felt it when you answered the door this morning. I knew it was home.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. . . I have no other words.

(Kat’s work is so much. . . more in person.  But here’s a better photo of it in her store, In a Pale Place on Etsy.)