Time keeps on slipping. . . (finish that lyric.)

Checking In:

Remember this list? I’ll confess, I still haven’t come up with a “theme” for 2012—so it looks like I’ll just run with my list of Non-New Year’s Resolutions and scratch it off my to-do list. So, let’s check in on that list.

So, Resolution #1:Wine drinking. Actually, I’ve taken that completely off the list because it turns out Wende and wine don’t mix so well. I’m having weird and painful reactions to even just sips of the stuff. So, I’ve switched to drinking a chilled cocktail when the urge strikes and sticking to water the rest of the time.

Speaking of drinking water, the new water bottle regimen is actually working. (Resolution #2) And it’s led to a rather charming exchange with my teenage son, who has taken to filling up my water bottles for me on the nights I forget. You know all that stuff they say about teenagers being sullen and angry and self centered? RUBISH.

#3 and #4: Complaining. Um, that was stupid thing to put on a list. I like to whine. Sigh. But, since it’s there, I guess I’ll stick with it for now.

#5 Eat More Chocolate. Oh, I’m excelling at this one. In fact, I’ve been pinning chocolate recipes and plotting my future. This recipe, for Dark Chocolate Banana Bread is amazing. I make it in 8″ x 8″ pan and the chocolate chips sorta sink to the bottom and make this really nice fudgy layer. So good. If you serve it with whipping cream and raspberries I won’t tell. (substitutions: I use non-fat greek yogurt for sour cream, and 3 TB of cocoa powder)

#6. Sex. Oh admit it, y’all just skimmed down to this one, didn’t you. Um… the actual resolution was “have more sex.” Yes?! Yes. YES. YES. . . erm, yes. That’s all I’m saying right now.

Though, I might subject you to the humiliation that is researching personal lubricants  online(I’m dreading the spam already) in the future. I haven’t decided how much I like you, yet. Part of me is all for it, if today is any indication on the power of an informational post. Presently, if you are  reading this post you are not alone on my website, but surrounded by hundreds of quilters reading IZ’s posts about sewing machines (that he wrote ages ago and are still the most viewed pages on my site. That should bother me, but it doesn’t). Once again, those posts are linked on some quilting board and the masses are absorbing ancient, tho witty, information on a subject that the internet hasn’t quite yet deemed worthy enough to represent. I don’t know why there isn’t more information out there about sewing machines, but because there is such a dearth of information, the posts IZ wrote are now the go-to posts for every quilting board in the country.

That would probably mean a huge readership for me if I actually quilted. Ha! But since I don’t, it means hundreds (some days, like today, thousands) of viewers knock on my door and tell me they want to date my sister. I don’t mind the quilters, but I’m not sure I want my sister dating the personal lubricant searchers. If you know what I mean. I so love running amok with a metaphor. That should have been on my list. . . wait, where was I?

Oh, yeah, New Year’s Resolutions.  Is anyone still reading this? Don’t worry, I’m almost done.

#7-#9: Organizing, breathing, and doing less. Check, check, not check yet.

#10: Save the Cheerleader. So, I’m still working on my plan to save the world.

But enough about me. . . .how are YOUR New Year’s Resolutions working out? I’d love to hear.