Are you as broken up about Katy Perry and Russell Brand  as I am?¡

Well, hello. Is 2012 kicking your butt yet? It’s kicking mine. I don’t know, the most hopeful hour in my day is that fitful hour before I finally fall asleep at night. I’m convinced in that hour that I will arise the next morning and be productive. I compose lists and blog posts and dream ridiculous dreams about all the things I’m going to do. . . TOMORROW. I’m so hopeful I could burst, it’s no wonder it takes me an hour to fall asleep. It’s like New Year’s Eve every single night.

And then dawn, er, ten arrives and I realize that today is not the day.

Presently, I’m blogging this, (moan, moan, moan) and listening to a neighbor be really productive outside. He’s fixing something. Probably part of his house that is falling down into my yard. But you know, no big.

To my credit, I’ve cleaned the bathroom and tripped to Safeway for toothpaste and cleaning supplies. But now, I’m just sitting here wondering what I should eat for lunch and why I even bother making lists that I won’t tackle.  And writing this really stupid entry just so I can mark off “blog” from today’s list.

A list that isn’t even that ambitious:

Clean Bathroom, clear off stairway, change sheets, finish laundry, studio time, blog .


Oh, and exercise. (maniacal laugh maniacal laugh)

Clearly it’s time to start padding these lists with things I’ve already accomplished. Better put that on the list.