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Yellow Stripes are all the rage at Chez Wonder. He tested 2 months ago and I think had given up hope of ever hearing back. But, we got the call yesterday. . . good news. . . He passed!

The ceremony last night was really sweet. However, most of photos have other local children in them and no way to really crop them out—kids I don’t know, so no way to seek permission either. Anyhow, it was lovely, you’ll just have to trust me on that. Three kids got their next belt and they’re at that age where they’re fiercely proud but have NO intention of letting on; a mixture of “Aw Shucks” and “Look at me!” played out on every face as they bowed to their instructor and received their certificates. Straight faces all around, except for the sly grin attempting to escape at the corners of their mouths.

I tend to cry at these things, but managed to keep myself together for the boy’s sake. You know, it would never do. But I don’t think you could wipe the grin off my face last night.