
Lack of sunlight and vision issues have conspired to keep me from photographing much for Thrifty Goodness. However, a modicum of the necessary light appeared this afternoon and I worked fast. Click. Click. Click. Not perfect, but I’m hoping you get the idea.

I should be opening very, very soon. My IT guy has been under a great deal of pressure at his paying job and hasn’t had the opportunity to address my issues. I keep telling him to address my “issues” he might need to be a licensed therapist, but he assures me that I’m on the top of his priority list. However, I suspect he might need a different form of motivation because hovering over his shoulder saying “Snap! Snap!” isn’t getting me anywhere. I see baked goods in his future.

In the meantime, there are at least new photos to look at over on the Thrifty Goodness Preview Page.