Autumn Light


Mornings are cool and crisp and flooded with soft sunlight. I wake up to this shadow on my wall.

Getting Spooky Out There

Halloween decor is up. It only took us 2 days and countless hours attempting to replace fuses. Those little things are TINY and can drive a girl to abuse chocolate. But, we’re done and feeling spooky. Clicky, clicky for better views.

Stealing Apples


The man couldn’t resist filching an apple from an abandoned heirloom tree out in the boondocks of Washington. I guess it’s really wrong that I found his thievery kinda sexy, right?

Good Mail

It’s raining buckets. And sheets. And every cliche I can muster—but it’s been a very good mail day! 😀
1. Fabric! 2. Martha!! 3. Handmade from a friend!!!