
Last night was the VERY late 40th celebration for the wonderful Ms. Paula!! (her birthday being 3 weeks ago. Ack!) These sweeties were made by ever talented Kathleen… we had munchies and champagne, but I was too busy consuming those to take photos. Heh. What’s new, eh? You’ll just have to take my word for it (and the 15 lbs I gained!) on how yummy it all was.

I spent most of yesterday cleaning this pit of a house. Good thing we throw parties at night where I can dim the lights and pray nobody runs their hands along the baseboards! Darn, we are just too dusty in these parts. I’m looking for a quaint, but hermetically sealed place to live, anyone got any suggestions?


I would sit here on this couch, admiring all my hard work except there is so much to do! The sun is out and I must drag my sorry self outside for a walk. Maybe I can make a start at working off last night’s sins. And then there are pumpkins to carve, a last minute birthday present to whip up, and probably costume alterations to do. I’m noticing that my dining room table looks a little vacant without the potted miniature roses and I’m wondering how to remedy that. And in the distant, I can hear the faint strains of my laundry calling for a revolution on the second floor:

Will you join in our crusade?
Who will be strong and stand with me?
Beyond the barricade
Is there a world you long to see?

And me? I’m still sitting here, luxuriating in that clean house feeling knowing full well the second floor is busy stroming a barricade! Denial was meant for Saturday morning.