Speaking of Mochas in the morning. . .

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This morning’s coffee break had to move location due to a very snoozy dog. Sophie seemed so content hanging out in our coffee/tea nook that I just couldn’t make her move.

Sleeping is something Sophie does very well. She can sleep anywhere, but she has her preference. Up! Up on the couch, up in our chairs, up on a pillow, anywhere as long as it’s up off the floor. Evidently, this is a Welshie trait. . . they don’t like the floor. And why shouldn’t she be a diva in this department, considering she thinks she’s Queen anyhow.

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But I kid you not, this dog will sleep sitting up. It’s kinda sad and funny all in one swipe; inevitably she topples over in her sleep. For the amount of time that Sophie sleeps, she really should have been named Sofa. Lounge, lounge, lounge, snore.

Today, we were blessed with a little sun before the skies went black and began dumping ice. So, there’s sweet Sophie catching some sun and sleep and me clicking away with the camera. And before you all start writing me to tell me that dogs that sleep this much have issues: yeah, we know. She’s very medicated as she fights a systemic yeast infection. We’ve reached the point where the herbal/change the diet routine isn’t sufficient to fight the infection. The protocol we’re using is supposed to be effective—but it also means we have lawn ornament of a dog for a few months. We’re kinda hoping that once she’s off the meds and the sun comes back out, she’ll perk up. . . because those ears of hers aren’t supposed to be so floppy!

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I have to say, I adore this nose. Sophie, on the other hand, is none too pleased to have my camera giving kisses. Nor is she too happy to have me interrupting her nap. All, I can say is. . . dog, you started it; you just had to be in my chair looking all cute and wonderfully sleepy!