As this is the end of National Delurker Week**, I just want to give a shout out to all you lovelies who were kind enough to leave some comment love in the box! Evidently, my server has had some “issues” and I’m finding that some of my responses to those comments have “misappeard” as we like to say around these parts. I’ve gone back and fixed everything, I think! However, if I missed you, please forgive the oversight.

These little glitches happen from time to time— I lost a whole post last week!! It was there long enough for IZ to comment on it and then it vanished from sight! Good thing I had that one backed up in a WORD document, eh?

It is so disheartening to be ignored on a website that usually talks back to you! Or, to show up and find your comment missing. I should know! This happened to me several times in the past week–and while a couple of them were honest gaffes (people have server issues like me). It still kinda hurts. Especially if you think it’s personal or you’ve somehow offended people. Yikes!

So, should you ever log on and find that something you’ve written has “misappeared” please email me. You might not give a second thought to these sorts of things, but I certainly care! I’ve only intentionally erased 3 comments in my time blogging…(We aren’t counting all that spam.) Chances are, if your comment is “ignored” I just missed it–if it’s missing, it suffered at the hands of my temperamental server.

Anyhow, thank you all for commenting! This is the last post I write on commenting this month year.

**It appears that our beloved founder is back from her hiatus that she conveniently took during her own holiday. Smart girl! 😀