Gray Scale to Nothing

A gray scale start to spring. . .

I feel like I’m sneaking back into the room, walk of shame style. Shimmying into my skirt and patting my hair down. Not that I’d know anything about that except what I’ve seen on television. I haven’t exactly been present on this blog for the past few weeks. I’ve been, um, busy.

And life has been particularly distracting as of late. It’s hard to get motivated (much less photograph anything) in this perma gray. Plus the state of our house is always a constant distraction. There’s lots going on, most of it good in the “this is getting resolved” sort of way—but nothing I want to write about. Honestly, I’m anxiously awaiting the “let’s fix this mess” part of the program.  Writing about paint colors is so much more interesting than writing about signing legal documents.

But we have to slog through the legal mire first. That takes time and resources and energy. Energy I’d rather put elsewhere; and it leaves me with nothing but whiney posts I refuse to write. Or posts that I can’t write.

Not that it’s all bad. Some of life is ridiculously good. Really good. . . (she says with an *arched * eyebrow). But I’ve been informed by IZ that there are lines I shouldn’t cross.  And while it’s really fun to watch him turn six shades of red and squirm, “You CAN’T Blog that!” in truth, I probably wouldn’t anyhow.  So this is me, walking up to the line and smiling.

No, what this blog needs is a little forced sunshine. Some flowers. Some chocolate. Some romance, or at least a few paint chips. It needs Spring to show up already!  And while I can’t promise any of that will arrive in the next few days, I can promise to work on it. You know, when I’m not so busy.*

By Then

New Porch Light. That tiny stripe matches the haint blue porch ceiling.

I took a break this weekend that turned into an even bigger blogging break. Did “not much”.  And now, I’m paying for my slothfulness. I don’t have a post here, though I’m sure I can string together enough words to disguise it. We’re just sort of treading water at the moment. The weather and the paper work on the house and my ever expanding waistline have me questioning my sanity. Remember all that sunshine we had in January? Yeah, well, we’re paying for it now in damp, grey, wet, gloomy, I could go on with the adjectives weather. My soul is water logged.

Anyhow, I stumbled upon this photo I took during January’s snow and never posted. It’s pretty, no? There’s no real point in this, other than I love that light. It’s a tiny reminder of blue skies and prettier days that are sure to come back around again. Someday.

And who knows, maybe I’ll have found a point by then?

Rumor Has It

We’re expecting a major blow here on the coast tomorrow. Power outages are likely—for how long, is anyone’s guess. I’m frantically doing laundry, have baked a huge raspberry coffee cake, put fresh sheets on the bed, and when I hunt down that dog, she’s getting a bath. We’ve got gas, and fuel, and wood, and each other. I think we’re ready.  So, I’m leaving you with a bit of sunshine in the form of lovely Meyer Lemons (my favorite!) and I’ll catch you on the flip side of this winter gale. In the meantime, if you’re feeling inspired, here’s a wonderful recipe for Lemon bars.

First Snow

I woke to the laughter of little kids discovering snow outside. That sound is lovelier than the snow.