Easily Charmed


Our little family at the Ocean. . . a little trip to Manzanita last Saturday


So, it’s the New Year. Is your list of resolutions as long as mine? I figure I’ll wittle it down a bit and then maybe talk about it. This is a big year for me: turning 44 and that seems like a magical number. Worthy of big intentions and endeavoring.

But for now, I’m just hanging out with my little family, watching murder mysteries, and avoiding all the chores I should be doing.

Should is such an ugly word, anyhow.

But this much I will give you, I’m easily charmed. And I think, if I can remember that this year — or even be motivated by it, there is hope.

What I am not, at nearly 44, is a risk taker. Little things make me happy and change is not my friend. Not for the reasons you might think: I’m happy for things to be different. I’m just essentially lazy.  If you want to make it different, I’m down with that. If you want ME to make it different, I can’t hear you.

Example A: Any suggestion of moving, I immediately shudder and sputter: “I’m going to die in this house. In fact, I hate moving so much, they’ll bury me in the back-yard because it’s too much effort otherwise.”

This is not true, of course. I suspect a move is closer than even I can imagine. But, oh, how I hate the idea of packing. And that’s just one example.

My in-laws are in their late 70’s early 80’s and they are the epitome of change resistant. They’ve earned it. It’s not a criticism, but an observation. And a realization, that in my  mid-40’s I’m well on the road to saying, “Oh, that’s too much of a bother.”   Over the holidays, IZ and his sister were chatting via FaceTime and my FIL just waved his hand… it’s not for him.  I can identify, I feel the same way about cell phones. I practice that hand-wave, often.


So, I don’t know how I’ll cut down my list of to-do’s, must change, resolve to endeavor: but one thing is very clear to me. It’s time to face my fears and embrace this notion of change. This crazy idea of being connected to the outside world . 2014 may indeed be the year Wende gets a cell phone. (you should know I’m breaking out in a cold sweat just typing that sentence. Let’s just move, OK?!)

And no, I will not give you my phone number. I said I was easily charmed. Not stupid.

Keeping Up

Time keeps on slipping. . . (finish that lyric.)

Checking In:

Remember this list? I’ll confess, I still haven’t come up with a “theme” for 2012—so it looks like I’ll just run with my list of Non-New Year’s Resolutions and scratch it off my to-do list. So, let’s check in on that list.


Chocolate for Breakfast

I’m knocking these resolutions out of the park. . .

Dark Chocolate Oatmeal

3/4 cups Quick Oats (not instant oatmeal)

1 Cup milk (I use organic 1%)

1 oz dark chocolate (I use Ghriadelli 60% Dark Chocolate Chips)

Prepare oatmeal (with chocolate and milk) on cook top, bring to boil and then simmer until oatmeal is tender. Top with a few extra chocolate chips and raspberries. Share, only if you must. (technically 2 servings)

Rejoice: it’s chocolate for breakfast.

Better Put That on the List

Are you as broken up about Katy Perry and Russell Brand  as I am?¡

Well, hello. Is 2012 kicking your butt yet? It’s kicking mine. I don’t know, the most hopeful hour in my day is that fitful hour before I finally fall asleep at night. I’m convinced in that hour that I will arise the next morning and be productive. I compose lists and blog posts and dream ridiculous dreams about all the things I’m going to do. . . TOMORROW. I’m so hopeful I could burst, it’s no wonder it takes me an hour to fall asleep. It’s like New Year’s Eve every single night.

And then dawn, er, ten arrives and I realize that today is not the day.

Presently, I’m blogging this, (moan, moan, moan) and listening to a neighbor be really productive outside. He’s fixing something. Probably part of his house that is falling down into my yard. But you know, no big.

To my credit, I’ve cleaned the bathroom and tripped to Safeway for toothpaste and cleaning supplies. But now, I’m just sitting here wondering what I should eat for lunch and why I even bother making lists that I won’t tackle.  And writing this really stupid entry just so I can mark off “blog” from today’s list.

A list that isn’t even that ambitious:

Clean Bathroom, clear off stairway, change sheets, finish laundry, studio time, blog .


Oh, and exercise. (maniacal laugh maniacal laugh)

Clearly it’s time to start padding these lists with things I’ve already accomplished. Better put that on the list.