letsgosomewhereandjudgeVia Bluntcard.com

Thought for the day… or question: “Why do we judge each other?”

Especially women judging other women. I get not liking someone. I get not liking what they do, or how they do it.  When that happens, we should take my 80 year old friend’s suggestion, right? And just ignore and move on. But, we often don’t. Instead, we go all judgey judgey let’s totally tear them down because they’re not. like. me. We label, call names, pick, pick, pick.

–Imagined slight: She’s a ________________ (fill in the blank)

–Didn’t live up to my expectations: She’s a ___________________.

–Dared to do something I don’t think she should: Call all my friends “OH NO SHE DIDN’T”

I don’t get it.

And yet, I do it.

I don’t get why I do it. So, I’m working on it.

But I’d love to know: why do you think women pick on other women?


New Rules: Let’s get each other’s back. And if we can’t: Let’s Zip Our Lips.