Miss Sophie modeling the new paint color.

We met with a lawyer yesterday. Informative! And worth the time and energy expended—just for what we learned. This is going to be a slow process but IZ and I are determined to walk it with some semblance of grace. It’s difficult when so much of your situation is dependent on the judgement of others. But there is also a fair amount of grace in surrendering to the Universe. We are doing what we can, and we’re letting go of the anxiety (as much as possible) and just living.

Albeit, in a completely undone house. But then, life is a process, right?

I’d love to show off the new spaces. . . but as they’ve been mostly left undone, it’s hard to do. We’ll be living with incomplete spaces while we wait for various official types to inspect the property. Until then, I’m focusing on what I can do! Like, our new bedroom color.

All the ceilings had to be replaced due to the electrical being redone—and new ceilings means repainting walls. The color in our bedroom was a custom color I neglected to document when we painted 5 years ago. I have no idea what ratios of paint we used to get that exact color, and in no mood to try to figure it out.  So IZ and I decided we’d just do something completely different.

It’s rendering a bit more grey than it appears to my eye. There’s definitely a blue cast to this color.

And YES, that’s painted trim. I’m proud to say we actually did that part this time. Heaven help us—the trim in this house will be the undoing of me, I just know it.

Anyhow, for those of you who like details the color is “Morning Fog” by Martha Stewart Paints. Originally, I had planned to use this color for the living/dining area. But when we decided to go a different direction on the main floor, I couldn’t let go of this color and so, hello bedroom.

Just so you know, Martha Stewart Paints have been discontinued at Home Depot. If your heart is set on a certain color from her line, I highly recommend you go grab paint swatches today while they’re still available. You can always color match!

I’ll confess, I was worried about the color initially. But now that it’s done, it’s such a soothing color to live in. And soothing is a good thing right now. I cannot over-emphasize the importance of self-care (paint your walls if you must!) when you’re living in ridiculous amounts of stress.  You do what you can, right?

So, I’m scratching off “paint bedroom trim” off of 2007’s to do list. Progress, not perfection.