
This image is a bit blurry—but it’s all good, really. This man makes me happy in the most obscure ways. You know how you fall in love, over and over? A smile across a room, or a tender gesture… or maybe the most mundane thing on the planet, but thoughtful none-the-less, like say walking your dog for you when you’re sick. And then thumpity, thumpity goes your heart, all over again.

This man’s hands make my heart go thumpity, thumpity. He also has a great phone voice, but you’ll just have to take my word for that.

At the moment, I’m sitting in his office watching him move too and fro in the kitchen, making dinner. I’m sipping Chianti (without a fava bean in sight, you’ll be happy to know!), listening to the Silversun Pickups, and writing to you about my thumpity, thumpity heart.

When we first got married, all the old hands at marriage took great pains to impress upon us the malleability of love. “You won’t always feel this way,” sounded like a sentence being passed, not an admonition for the future.

So, what of it, really? They meant well, I’m sure. But honestly, telling newlyweds that love will change is about as tactless as telling a very pregnant woman that childbirth is a harrowing experience. It might be. But it might be MORE than that, too! I suspect, like childbirth, real love is just that: MORE. More than the paltry definitions we assign to it. It is without words. It is without scope. It is beyond our ability to define, we have only to embrace it. Maybe to fall haplessly, selflessly into its grasp.

And to notice it when we see it.

Has our love changed in 18 years? Yes. But then, he does something that makes me happy in the most obscure way, and my heart goes thumpity, thumpity once again.

It’s never all or nothing. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.


Tomorrow’s post will be password protected. I’m sending out a BCC email with the code to all of my regular readers. If you don’t receive an email with the code by tomorrow morning, drop me a line—I’m sure I just overlooked your address. You’ll pardon my paranoia, but this is at the request of my beloved spouse. And seriously, I can’t deny a man who makes my heart go thumpity, thump!