
These are from the lovely Kate. . . who sent so much more than these beautiful buttons. However, like all small children and cats, I’d rather play with the “box”… and these buttons, which topped my gifts, have me enraptured.

Let’s blame it on December, shall we? Because I don’t really have any excuse beyond the misery that was that month. The wind blew and strange things happened and everybody (mainly me) was a wee bit wonky. Remember??

However, December not only produced misery and weather, but it also brought bouts of generosity in the form of several impromptu swaps that I’ve yet to acknowledge. As it is nearly March, it would seem I’ve been remiss. How hard is it, really, to say “Thank you, ” I ask you? Yeah, not that hard. Bad, bad, Wende.


I am borrowing a photo from Kalurah—as I’ve allowed my pair to become frightfully dirty. I’ve used them so, so much and I’m embarrassed at how terribly neglectful I’ve been, here. I think I need a pair of these in every color.

Truth is, I’ve been meaning to write a post about the art of the “Thank You Note.” But having not finished writing mine, I feel a little disingenuous about doing so. As much as I abhor the old adage, “Those who can’t, teach.” It seems to fit in my case. And it doesn’t surprise me at all that the custom has fallen out of favor. Writing of any kind seems to be the last choice to cell phones and email or blogging! I have my personal preference, clearly, but I wouldn’t prioritize. Thank you is appropriate no matter how it’s delivered. Right? It’s the thought that counts, I think. I hope.



I don’t think I can ever have enough of Susan’s amazing work.

But there is something, admit it, to getting a piece of mail that expresses gratitude for your effort. And it IS effort to put something in the mail. We won’t even talk about the effort involved if you MADE that gift. Yes, mail that is not a bill is a gift in itself. Especially if it is not addressed, “To: Homeowner” but instead, has your name illegibly scrawled on the envelope. How can you not feel loved?

So, I have been remiss. But that doesn’t mean I don’t love you. It means I’m lazy.



These were made by the lovely Susan, but came via a gift certificate from the ever thoughtful HG. Thank you both!

This week the boy and I have been slowly, but carefully cranking out our written thank yous. His are involved and feature embroidery from his new machine. Mine feature my chicken scratch that will no doubt be illegible. These small but well meant, if poorly timed, notes of affection are winging their way to you.

In the meantime, please accept my humblest of apologies. I’ve hot linked the photos to their respective givers. Each of them was so generous that I should have a separate post about them all. But if I do that, I’ll never get these notes finished.