make you sick, good.jpg

We have this saying in our family of three. If something is really good, it’s “Make you sick, good”. You know, so good that you eat it until you’re sick. I’m not sure where this little bit of nonsense came from, although I suspect I probably had something to do with it since it is nonsense. Origin aside, the phrase has stuck and we’ve used it so much that it has become part of Boy Wonder’s lexicon. He endlessly pronounces food, “Make you sick, good,” as in, “Mom these cookies are so good they are make you sick, good.” Inevitably, an outsider hearing this will arch an eyebrow or roll an eyeball. . . but they just don’t understand. How could they?

Our list of “Make you sick, good” food has expanded over the years and includes a plethora of yummy things that are mostly not good for you. Like, say, these fried tortilla strips dipped in cinnamon and sugar and then topped with whipping cream, chocolate sauce, and strawberry sauce. Uh huh… make you sick, good.

I’m guessing we are not alone here. You may not use our corny phrase, but surely there are things that are make you sick, good to you? Right?