Ok, I promise an update soon and back to regular programming next week.  We are recovering, slowly, from the past few weeks of chaos.  Sniffling still, but on the mend.  Our plan is to go camping on Tuesday-Thursday as a mini break before we have more house guests.  However, the weather people are promising wet stuff mid-week.  This is not good news.  I would prefer sun, obviously. I’m no fan of getting drenched, yet I think we are going to (pardon the terrible pun coming at you next) weather it.  See… do you REALLY want me writing when that’s the best I can do?  Thought not.

Anyhow, I’ll be back soon.  With what, well, that’s hard to say.  Right now, (since my diet went to hell with my health anyhow) I’m going to go polish off a bottle of bubbly with IZ; for tomorrow we die, er diet.