As Halloween prep has our life in full tilt at the moment, I’ve been neglecting to update. No, really–despite evidence to the contrary, my life has not just stopped.

Which begs the old tree falling down in the forest conundrum, “If I don’t actually write about it, did it really happen?” We’ve been running so much that slowing down to post any of the details seems daunting. I’m just beat trying to keep up. Thankfully, things should settle down a bit after Halloween.

Thanksgiving is a calmer event around here. Don’t over think that too much. And, as my darling sister-in-law has so graciously offered to host the event this year I shouldn’t be too pressed in November. October, however, is an entirely different matter.This
week in particular has been grueling and it’s only half over. Whose big idea was it to make 50+ trick-or-treat handouts? Ever heard of snack-sized candy bars, lady? What made me think meeting my new doctor and finding a new hair stylist were compatible events for the same day? Did I really think that I was going to manage any laundry after teaching the kid 5 subjects, taking the kid to do ceramics, and then running the kid to a homeschool event for three hours? And what in the hell got into me that made me think I could cook? Butternut squash soup? OMG… kill me NOW. I don’t even like squash.

There is something about October. Martha Stewart takes possession of my body for the month and I am not myself. I am so exhausted, that sometime in the middle of the night last night I put on my glasses and went back to sleep. Evidently, I’m working in my dreams as well.

What’s left to do makes me shudder. I keep telling myself, “this is supposed to be fun!” But the truth is, I’m looking forward to Halloween being DONE this year. We’ve managed, in the short span of one week, to over-extend ourselves beyond your imagination. Well, beyond mine anyhow.

Monday can not come soon enough. But until then, it’s back to the grind. Only four more pumpkins to carve, one more writing gig to finish, two more parties to attend, one more haunted Coast Guard vessel to visit, one more talking cemetery to haunt, two more spider webs to string, one more swimming lesson to swim, and I’m sure there is something I’ve forgotten. But what I can’t forget is why I’m doing this.

Oh yeah, one more haircut to schedule.