Boy Wonder, “Does it look better now?” holding scissors in his hand.

“Did you just cut your hair?” (What I’m really thinking is, “OMG, this child just cut. his. hair!”)

“Yeah, it was sticking out.”

“YOU DO NOT CUT YOUR HAIR!” (What I’m really thinking is, “Are you FOUR?”)

“But it was sticking out.”

“YOU DO NOT CUT YOUR HAIR!!!”(What I’m really thinking is, “So you cut
it off? Sure, keep cutting every piece that sticks out and we will have to print you up a bunch of T-Shirts that say, ‘Cancer Survivor'”)

“I didn’t want to look like a girl, mom!”

It was at this point I walked away. It was either that or spit back, “Then try getting a haircut.” Which would have only proved his point.