Out of Here

Part of getting an education at this seminary means submitting to the three semester ordeal that is EIM. I’ve been fortunate to be assigned to a great group with a more than competent facilitator. Thank God. It would have been intolerable otherwise. And part of fulfilling the requirements of EIM is to attend a meeting with a faculty member and that facilitator. Today was my big day. The question on the table bears a lot of resemblance to “So, what do you want to be when you grow up?” Grown up? It’s not a bad meeting to have–and frankly, I consider myself extremely fortunate to have the time with these two women, both of whom I deeply respect. But the very idea of figuring out what I plan on doing once I leave this place or exploring internship possibilities… well, it makes me wish I was six again. Characteristically, I’m never ready to decide. I’ve always taken the “wait and see” approach to live. Not much has happened but the view has been amazing.

So… What did we decide? The consensus was I’m destined to move to Tennessee. I think this is a great conclusion. There was also talk about my going onto MA/PhD work. That part I’m not so thrilled about–but , Tennesee… that sounds truly lovely.