I thought I would just post a small update while I wait for my pants to dry. (OH! get your mind out of the gutter already, really!) I finished my paper around 1 last night. Ok, that makes it sound like it was the only paper I have to do when it fact it was one of 9. Still, it was a major psychic hurdle and it felt great to finish. I was able to catch a few hours of sleep and then get up to fact check. (Good thing I did… in my haze last night there were a few “facts” that were… well, not so factual!) Anyhow, I lost my internet connection at 1 and decided bed was my best option. I have to say… it was peaceful to sleep knowing my paper was done.

However, I must add, that reading it this morning, it sounds like a really good sermon. I’ve obviously been hanging out with the WRONG people lately. ok… time to check my pants. ( I mean it… stop it! Don’t think I can’t hear you!)